1 Wake the song of Jubilee,
Christ has come to set men free;
Come the broken hearts to heal,
And eternal joys reveal:
Hallelujah to our King!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Let the world His praises sing.
2 Wake the song of Jubilee,
Christ has come to make men see
God’s almighty arm made bare
Unto sinners ev’rywhere:
Hallelujah to our King! [Chorus]
3 Wake the song of Jubilee,
Christ hath won the victory
Over sin and death and hell;
The glad news to nations tell:
Hallelujah to our King! [Chorus]
4 Wake the song of Jubilee,
Shout aloud the victory;
For He soon shall come again
O’er a ransomed world to reign:
Hallelujah to our King! [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #121