1 Wake a song of grateful praise
For the glad returning days;
Praising him who reigns above,
Rules in wisdom, might and love.
Gladly, freely let us sing,
Bring the humble offering;
Praises to our Lord belong,
Praise him, praise him with a song.
We will praise him, ev’ry one,
Praise him, praise him with a song;
Joyfully the sound prolong,
We will praise him with a song.
2 We adore the loving power
That has tinted us the flower;
Charmed the sounds we love to hear,
Saddened hearts to sweetly cheer.
In his goodness we rejoice,
Grateful for the tuneful voice;
We so gladly, freely raise,
In the singing of his praise. [Refrain]
3 Gracious Father, bless thy name
For thy mercies o’er the same;
Oh, thou changeless and divine,
Grant us constancy like thine!
In the life we love and move,
And our gratitude we prove;
For the wondrous life we live,
Highest praises we will give. [Refrain]
Source: Pearls of Praise #25