1 Voyager over life’s storm fretted sea,
The glad star of hope let thy beacon light be;
Faith be thy helmsman, thy keel ribbed with love,
Thy course ever shaped for the haven above.
Firm to the masthead, nail truth’s pennant white,
Enstamp’d with this motto, “For God and the right,”
Remembering ever, where’er you may roam,
That God is your Father, and heaven your home.
2 Shrink not from perils that rise to thy sight,
The Almighty Captain will arm thee with might;
Tho’ the grim pirate, death, hold thy soul in his grip,
Then trust to thy captain, “Don’t give up the ship.” [Chorus]
3 Dangers unknown in thy pathway may start,
Be pray’r then thy quadrant, the Bible thy chart;
Keep watch at the lookout, with care heave the lead,
Thou canst hear the loud cry, lo, breakers ahead! [Chorus]
4 So, fighting and watching, and trusting for all,
To that kind One who marks e’en the wee sparrows fall;
Till the last blow be struck, and the last foe o’erthrown,
And then with the angels we’ll sing, “Home, sweet home.” [Chorus]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #104