1 “Victory!” is the song echoing loud and long
From the redeemed of ev’ry nation;
Let the paean ring
Of the conq’ring King
Who hath brought so great salvation;
Victory in His name,
Who a Redeemer came
Unto His own, to be rejected!
Yet to day He lives,
And a blessing gives,
Tho’ denied, reviled, neglected.
Sing the story,
Tell His glory
Until earth reechoes with His praise!
Come before Him!
Laud, adore Him,
Loud anthems of joy let us raise.
2 “Victory!” over sin, Power and zeal to win
Souls to the light from darkness dreary
Doth He freely give
All who will receive,
And the work is never weary;
Victory for the right,
Patience to win the fight
Faithfully day by day, He gives us;
Our Defence is He,
And will ever be
Till in glory He receives us. [Refrain]
Source: Christian Gospel Hymns: for church, Sunday school, and evangelistic meetings: contains the cream of all the old songs, and the very best of all the new #118