Verbum Supernum prodiens, A Patre olim exiens. [Advent.] This hymn, a short and good summary of the leading ideas of Advent, is given as No. 33 in Mone, with the remark that it is probably of the second half of the 5th century. Daniel gives the text at i. No. 74, and at iv. p. 144 cites it as in a Rheinau manuscript of the 11th century. Among the British Museum manuscripts it is found in three 11th century Hymnaries of the English Church. It is in G. M. Dreves's Hymn. Moissiacensis, 1888, from a 10th century manuscript; in a ms. of the 11th century at Corpus Christi, Cambridge; in a manuscript of the 11th century at St. Gall, No. 413; and in the Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church (Surtees Society), 1851, is printed from an 11th century manuscript at Durham. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]
Both forms of this hymn have been translated as follows:—
i. The Original Text.
1. To earth descending, Word sublime. By J. M. Neale, in the Hymnal Noted, 1852, No. 11, the Hymner, 1882, &c.
2. 0 Word Supreme, created not. By R. F. Littledale, in the People's Hymnal, 1867.
Other translations are:—
1. Word from the Sire, supernal. W. J. Blew. 1852-55.
2. Supernal Word! Thou Effluence bright. J. D. Chambers. 1852 and 1857,
3. Word of the Father, Coming from high. J. W. Hewett, 1859.
ii. The Roman Breviary Text.
1. Word of th' eternal Father's might. By W. J. Copeland, in his Hymns for the Week, 1848, p. 55. In Murray's Hymnal, 1852, it is given in an altered form.
2. 0 Thou, Who Thine own Father's breast. By E. Caswall, in his Lyra Catholica, 1849, p. 45, and his Hymns and Poems, 1873, p. 25. It is repeated in a few modern collections, sometimes as "Eternal Word, Who dost reside," as in the English Hymnal, 1852-61, where it is changed from CM. to LM.; and again as "Thou Who didst leave Thy Father's breast."
3. Supernal Word, proceeding forth. By Card. Newman, in his Verses on Religious Subject, 1853, p. 108, and his Verses on Various Occasions, 1868, p. 255. This is repeated in the Hymnary, 1872, and others.
4. 0 Heavenly Word, Eternal Light. By the Compilers of Hymns Ancient & Modern. It was given in the trial copy of that collection in 1859, the 1st edition, 1861, and the revised ed., 1875. It is also in other hymn-books. The first stanza is based upon Copeland's translation as above.
5. 0 Word celestial, Who Thy rest. By R. C. Singleton, in his Anglican Hymn Book, 1868.
Other translations are:—
1. The Period's come; and lo, to Day. Primer, 1706.
2. Eternal Word, Who dost proceed. Bishop G. W. Doane. 1824.
3. Word uncreate, beloved one. Bishop R. Mant. 1837.
4. The Father's bosom Thou didst leave. J. Chandler. 1837.
5. Dread Word, Who erst, when time was not. Hymnarium Anglicanum. 1844.
6. 0 gracious Word, that issuing forth from Heav'n. W. Palmer. 1845.
7. Lo the Word from God proceedeth. W. Bright. 1858.
8. 0 Thou, the Word, Supreme and blest. F. Trappes. 1865.
9. Dread Word, Who from the Father hast. Keble, in his Miscellaneous Poems. 1869.
10. 0 Word, proceeding from Thy home. J. Wallace. 1874.
11. Supernal Word, Who didst proceed. J. C. Earle, in 0. Shipley's Annus Sanctus. 1884.
--Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)