1 Vast are thy works, almighty Lord!
All nature rests upon thy word.
Thy glories in the heav'ns we see;
The spacious earth is full of thee.
2 The various tribes of creatures stand,
Waiting their portions from thy hand;
And, while they take their diff'rent food,
Their cheerful looks pronounce thee good.
3 Whene'er thy face is hid, they mourn,
And, dying, to their dust return;
Both man and beast their souls resign;
Life, breath, and spirit, all are thine.
4 Yet thou canst breathe on dust again,
And fill the world with beasts and men.
A word of thy creating breath
Repairs the wastes of time and death.
5 The earth stands trembling at thy stroke,
And at thy touch the mountains smoke.
Yet humble souls may see thy face,
And tell their wants to sov'reign grace.
6 In thee my hopes and wishes meet,
And make my meditations sweet.
I to my God, my heav'nly King,
Immortal hallelujahs sing.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #70
First Line: | Vast are thy works, almighty Lord |
Author: | Isaac Watts |
Copyright: | Public Domain |