1 Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!
Seeking all His fulness at whatever cost,
Cutting all the shorelines, launching in the deep
Of His mighty power, strong to save and keep.
Lo He comes and fills my soul with His presence sweet,
Evermore rejoicing, made in Him complete;
And the light within me never shall grow dim,
While I keep my vow—abandoned unto Him.
2 Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!
O the sinking sinking until self is lost!
Till the emptied vessel broken at His feet,
Waiteth till His filling makes the work complete. [Refrain]
3 Utterly abandoned to the will of God,
Seeking for no other path that Jesus trod,
Leaving ease and pleasure, making Him my choice,
Waiting for His guidance, list’ning for His voice. [Refrain]
4 Utterly abandoned! no will of my own;
Thru eternal ages His, and His alone;
All my plans and wishes lost in His sweet will,
Having nothing, yet in Him, possessing still. [Refrain]
5 Utterly abandoned! ‘tis so sweet to be
Captive to His love bonds, yet so wondrous free;
Free from sin’s devices, free from doubt and fear,
Free from ev’ry worry, burden, grief or care. [Refrain]
6 Utterly abandoned! O the rest is sweet
AS I tarry waiting, at His blessed feet;
Waiting for the coming of the Guest divine
Who my inmost being shall Himself refine. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Summerland #77