1 Up in heaven, up in heaven,
In the bright place far away,
He whom bad men crucified
Sitteth at His Father's side,
Till the Judgment Day.
2 And He loves His little children,
And He pleads for children there,
Asking the great God of heaven
That their sins may be forgiven,
And He hears their prayers.
3 Nevermore a helpless Baby,
Born in poverty and pain;
But with awful glory crowned,
With His Angels standing round,
He shall come again.
4 Then the wicked souls shall tremble,
And the good souls shall rejoice;
Parents, children, every one,
Then shall stand before His Throne,
And shall hear His voice.
5 And all faithful, holy Christians,
Who their Master's work have done,
Shall appear at His right hand,
And inherit the fair land
That His love has won.
Source: Voices of Praise: for school and church and home #39