1 “Up and doing, little Christians,
Up and doing while ‘tis day;
Do the work the Master gives you,
Do not loiter by the way;
For we all have work before us,
You, dear child, as well as I;
Let us seek to learn our duty,
And perform it manfully.
2 Patience, patience, little Christians,
No cross look or angry word;
Follow him who died to save you,
Follow Jesus Christ, our Lord;
Help the suff’ring and the needy,
Help the poor whom Jesus loves
Tell the sinner of the Savior,
Who still lives for us above.
3 Pray then, pray then, little Christians,
Never, never cease to pray;
Pray for pardon, pray for blessing,
Pray for mercy day by day;
Render thanks for all the mercies,
Which our Father sends to thee,
Most of all for the dear Savior,
Who once died on Calvary.
Source: Gospel Jewels #33