1 Unto Jehovah with my voice,
I out aloud did cry:
Unto Jehovah with my voice,
My suit for grace made I.
2 Before his face I did pour out
My meditation.
Before his face I did declare
The trouble me upon.
3 When in me was my soul o'erwhelm'd,
Then thou didst know my way.
I'th' way I walk'd a snare for me
They privily did lay.
4 On my right hand I look'd and saw,
But no man would me know:
All refuge fail'd me, for my soul
None any care did show.
5 Unto the Lord I cry'd, and said,
My hope thou art alone:
And in the land of living ones
Thou art my portion.
6 Because I am brought very low,
Attend unto my cry.
From my pursuers save thou me,
Who stronger are than I.
7 From out of prison bring my soul,
That I thy name may praise,
The just shall compass me, for thou
Shall shew me bounteous grace.
Source: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English metre: for the use, edification, and comfort of the saints...especially in New-England (25th ed) #PCXLII