1 Unto him that overcometh
It is granted he may eat
Of the tree of life, whose fruitage
Is of paradise so sweet.
Unto him that overcometh
By the faith of Christ alone,
He will grant to sit beside him
With the Father in his throne.
2 He in Christ that overcometh
So the Holy Spirit saith,
Shall be surely left uninjured
By the dreadful second death. [Refrain]
3 Yea, for him that overcometh
Is the hidden manna saved,
And a stone of snowy whiteness,
With the secret name engraved. [Refrain]
4 He that overcometh truly,
In whose heart God’s precepts are,
Shall have power o’er the nations,
And shall have the morning star. [Refrain]
5 Unto him that overcometh
Christ will give a robe of white,
And his name before the angels
Shall be spoken with delight. [Refrain]
6 He thro’ Christ that overcometh
Shall a stable pillar stand,
With the name of God the Father
Carved thereon by his own hand. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #235