1 Under Thy wings, my God,
Close to Thy side;
Safe from the coming storm,
Joyfully I hide.
Oft Thou hast call’d to me,
Now, while the cloud I see,
Swiftly I fly to Thee,
Close to Thy side.
2 Under Thy wings, my God,
Lov’d ones abide;
Whom Thou hast called from me,
Close to Thy side.
Deal gently, Lord with me,
Glory I may not see;
Keep ev’ry sin from me
While at Thy side.
3 Under Thy wings, my God,
Safely to hide;
Closer Thy “little ones,”
Closer to Thy side.
Side wounded sore for me,
Bleeding and bruis’d I see;
Cover, O cover me,
Close to Thy side.
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #303