1 Uncertain how the way to find
Which to salvation led,
I list'ned long, with anxious mind,
To hear what others said.
2 When some of joys and comforts told,
I fear'd that I was wrong;
For I was stupid, dead, and cold--
Had neither joy nor song.
3 Of fierce temptations others talk'd,
Of anguish and dismay;
Thro' what distresses they had walk'd,
Before they found the way.
4 Ah! then I thought my hopes were vain
For I had lived at ease;
I wish'd for all my fears again,
To make me more like these.
5 I had my wish--the Lord disclos'd
The evils of my heart;
And left my naked soul expos'd
To satan's fi'ry dart.
6 Alas! "I now must give it up,"
I cry'd in deep despair;
How could I dream of drawing hope
From what I cannot bear!
7 Again my Saviour brought me aid,
And when he set me free,
"Trust simply on my word," he said,
"And leave the rest to me."
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #400