1 Try to be a blessing ev’rywhere you go,
Doing good like Jesus, and His spirit show,
Speaking words of kindness, words of hope and cheer,
Making others happy while you journey here.
Try to be a blessing, if like Jesus you would be,
Helping souls around you His salvation here to see;
Try to be a blessing if a heav’nly crown you’d wear,
Decked with shining stars you’ve won for Jesus here.
2 Try to be a blessing to the careless throng,
Bravely stand for Jesus, show where you belong;
Let them see the beauty of a life of love,
Always live for Jesus, and the home above. [Refrain]
3 Try to be a blessing where there’s pain and woe,
Carry love’s sweet message ev’rywhere you go,
Tell the lost of Jesus, cheer the sad and lone,
Freely help the needy, as the Lord has shown. [Refrain]
4 Try to be a blessing, do not longer wait,
Life is swiftly passing, soon ‘twill be too late,
Keep the gospel banner over you unfurled,
Live to honor Jesus, and to bless the world. [Refrain]
Source: Worship and Service #76