1 Trusting Jesus, trusting ev’ry day,
Trusting Jesus all along the way;
Trusting Him we never can fall,
He will hear whenever we call;
Swift to answer is the King who rules us all.
We will follow Thee,
We will follow Thee,
Tho’ the way be rugged and steep,
Tho’ it leads us over the deep;
We will follow Thee,
We will follow Thee,
Thou wilt guide in tenderest care and safely keep.
2 Loving Jesus, who in deepest love
Came in mercy from His throne above;
Unto Him we fervently pray,
As we journey over the way,
We may love and serve Him better ev’ry day. [Chorus]
3 In a world of sorrow and distress,
Bearing burdens that so heavy press,
Cheerful words will brighten the way,
Willing hands will lighten the day;
“Ye have done it unto me,” shall Jesus say. [Chorus]
Source: Great Tabernacle Hymns #11