1 Trusting in the promise of my blessed Lord,
I am sure he never will forsake his own;
If in life I serve him and obey his word,
He will never leave me in this world alone.
I will never leave thee, I will never leave thee,
I will never leave thee in this world alone;
I will never leave thee, I will never leave thee,
I will surely keep thee for my own.
2 Trusting in the promise of the Mighty One,
Tho’ the clouds of darkness round about me fly;
Rays of light are shining from the risen sun,
Thus the shadows prove that Christ our light is nigh. [Refrain]
3 Trusting in the promise I shall never fail,
Tho’ I’m walking in the midst of trouble here;
Grace thro’ his atonement ever will avail;
While I am obeying, should I doubt or fear? [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #104