1 Trusting in Jesus! How blest to abide
With Jesus who suffered, with Jesus who died;
His love so amazing, so boundless His grace,
The vilest may find in His kingdom a place.
Trusting in Jesus, trusting in Jesus,
Fearing nought that may oppose—
Trusting in Jesus.
2 Trusting in Jesus! Though nature is weak,
From Him I shall gather the strength that I seek;
His Spirit will guide me, His arm will defend,
No ill can befall while on Him I depend. [Refrain]
3 Trusting in Jesus! What comfort it gives,
The blessed assurance that Jesus still lives!
O’er sin and the grave as a victor He reigns,
For me still is pleading, my cause still maintains. [Refrain]
4 Trusting in Jesus! Confiding in Him,
The shadows of earth ne’er my pathway shall dim;
I’ll follow the footsteps of Him that I love,
Mine eyes shall behold Him ‘mid glories above. [Refrain]
Source: The Bright Array #10