1 Trust in the Lord at all times;
Pour out thy heart in prayer;
Trust, for He dealeth gently
With those who trust His care.
2 Trust, if the call to labour
Sounds for thee loud and clear;
Help will be sent when needed—
Only do thou not fear.
3 Trust; if thy plans are thwarted,
Quietly stand thou still;
Listen for God’s direction,
patiently wait His will.
4 Trust, if the Master bids thee
Serve Him in trying ways;
Strength shall be surely given—
Equal to all thy days.
5 Trust, if a cloud of worries
Darken thy path each day;
One at a time they meet thee—
Trust, and they pass away.
6 Trust, in each hour of darkness;
Light will appear ere long;
Then, oh, the joy of singing
Faith’s hallelujah song!
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #155