1 Trav’ler on life’s winding way,
Let the Saviour be Thy guide,
Trusting Him each passing moment,
No evil can betide.
Follow still when to thy sight
All the way seems dim;
For He will guide thee to the light,
Only trust thy way to Him.
Trav’ler on life’s winding way,
Let the Saviour be thy guide;
Trusting Him from day to day
Naught of evil can betide.
2 Trav’ler on life’s winding way,
Though thy path be rough and steep,
There’s a Hand outstretched to help thee
Whose pow’r will save and keep.
Jesus will thy sorrows share;
He will be thine aid;
For He will all thy burdens bear,
Onward go; be not afraid. [Refrain]
3 Trav’ler on life’s winding way,
Storms across thy path may rise;
Siren tongues may bid thee stray
From thy journey to the skies.
Let the Saviour be thy guide;
Falter not nor roam,
For with His presence at thy side,
Thou shalt safely reach thy home. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #68