1 Toiler in the vineyard of the blessed Lord,
Keep thy heart in patience, guarded with His word;
Keep the sacred temple from the spoiler, sin;
Let no wicked thought or purpose enter in.
Toiler, toiler, in the Master’s vineyard,
Guard each plant and train each tender vine;
Let the Sun of glory shine upon them,
Tend with care this heritage divine.
2 Toiler in the vineyard, work with tender care,
Water and refresh each heart with song and pray’r;
Let the “leaves of healing” shade the sacred ground,
And the Spirit’s fruitage graciously abound. [Refrain]
3 Toiler in the vineyard, faithful ever be;
For thy patient toiling, God will comfort thee.
Lo! the dew of mercy, falling from above,
Is His benediction on thy work of love. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #175