1. Together, Lord, we come to Thee,
And in Thy presence bow the head;
A band of hard-pressed folk are we,
Who find life’s pathway rough to tread.
2. We bring our week of life to Thee,
All soiled, and worn, and marred with sin;
Thine eyes of holy love can see
Each tempted life without, within.
3. We bring our bitterness of heart,
Our hate and want of charity;
We fain would choose the better part,
And learn to love, dear Lord, like Thee.
4. We bring our care for daily bread,
The fear that turns the heart to stone;
We cry to Thee; lift up our head
And show us we are not alone.
5. We bring the faith that over all
Though faint and feeble, flickers still;
Increase it, Lord, that at Thy call
We may our daily task fulfill.
6. Lord, make us pure; enrich our life
With heavenly love for evermore;
Give us Thy strength to face the strife,
And serve Thee better than before.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6816