1 To thy pastures green and fair,
Saviour, let a child repair;
I will never stray from thee,
But thy fold my home shall be,
But thy fold my home shall be.
2 Like a gentle lamb, I'll stay
In the meadows fresh and gay;
Peaceful and contented there,
Guarded by my Shepherd's care,
Guarded by my Shepherd's care.
3 By thy waters still and clear,
I shall wander without fear;
Happy by my Shepherd's side,
All my wants shall be supplied.
4 Lord, wilt thou my shepherd be?
Help me then to follow thee;
At thy feet myself I cast,
Thee to serve while life shall last.
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #126b