1 To Thee this temple we devote,
Our Father and our God;
Accept it Thine, and seal it now
Thy Spirit's blest abode.
2 Here may the prayer of faith ascend,
The voice of praise arise;
Oh, may each lowly service prove
Accepted sacrifice.
3 Here may the sinner learn his guilt,
And weep before his Lord;
Here, pardoned, sing a Saviour's love,
And here his vows record.
4 Here may affliction dry the tear,
And learn to trust in God;
Convinced it is a Father smites,
And love that guides the rod.
5 Peace be within these sacred walls,
Prosperity be here,
Still smile upon Thy people, Lord,
And evermore be near.
Source: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #297