1 To Thee, O Lord, with dawning light,
My grateful voice I'll raise,
Thy mighty pow'r to celebrate,
Thy holy name to praise:
For Thou, in helpless hour of night,
Hast guard kept round my bed,
And now again from peaceful sleep
Thou liftest up my head.
2 Grant me, O Lord, Thy quick'ning grace
Through this and every day,
That, guided and upheld by Thee,
My feet may never stray.
Increase, I pray, my faith and hope,
Increase my zeal and love;
And fix my hearts affections all
On Christ and things above.
3 And when, life's labors o'er, I sink
To slumber in the grave,
In death's dark vale be Thou my trust
To succor and to save;
That so, through Him who bled and died,
And rose again for me,
The grave and gate of death may prove
A passage home to Thee.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal: with music #297