1 To Thee all praise ascendeth,
Almighty ever blesséd God;
The anthem never endeth
Around Thy throne, O holy Lord!
E'en here in tribulation,
When we are sorely tried,
Thou art our consolation,
The Refuge where we hide.
Day unto day Thy glory,
Thy goodness doth confess,
And we take up the story
Of all Thy faithfulness.
2 Our hearts o'erflow with gladness,
For we have learned Thy power and grace;
We may not sink in sadness,
We stand, in Christ, before Thy face.
Thy name be ever praiséd,
Thou doest wonders great;
Our voice may well be raiséd,
Thy mercies to relate.
Oh! be it all our pleasure
Whilst pilgrim-days endure,
To find in Thee our treasure,
To rest in Thee secure.
3 Thy name, O Lord, abideth,
Thou shalt be honored on the earth;
Thy hand our all provideth,
Thou carest for us ere our birth.
O Lord! what shall we render
For all the debt we owe,
For all Thy care so tender,
Thy love too vast to know?
The theme of Thy salvation
Shall be our one employ;
We bless Thee for creation,
And for eternal joy!
Source: Wartburg Hymnal: for church, school and home #314