1 To the house of his Father the prodigal came,
All wounded and sore, in rags and in shame;
He had said in his sorrow, with tears and with prayer,
The house of my Father has bread and to spare.
Oh, why do I linger in sorrow and care?
The house of my Father has bread and to spare,
Has bread and to spare, has bread and to spare,
The house of my Father has bread and to spare.
2 I have wasted my substance in riot and sin;
I weep as I think of what I have been;
Here I perish with hunger, but will not despair,
The house of my Father has bread and to spare. [Refrain]
3 Oh, this word is for thee, sinner, hasten and come,
‘Tis time to remember that heav’n is home;
It is time to remember, with penitent prayer,
The house of my Father has bread and to spare. [Refrain]
Source: On Joyful Wing : A Book of Praise and Song #81