1 To the heavenly land, to the heavenly land,
Where the saints and the seraphs stand,
We are on our way, we are on our way,
A united and happy band.
For the angels there will teach us
How to sing a sweeter song;
And no sorrow 'll ever reach us
In that happy, happy throng
In the heavenly land, in the heavenly land,
Where the saints and the seraphs stand.
2 Tho' we often tire, tho' we often tire,
Where the pathway is steep and strait,
We will still press on, we will still press on
Till we pass thro' the golden gate. [Chorus]
3 But we need not fear, but we need not fear,
For we've Jesus to be our guide;
And with him so near, aye, with him so near,
Naught of evil can e'er betide. [Chorus]
4 Will you go with us? will you go with us?
Come and share this bright home above,
Where the endless day, where the endless day
Is illumed by our Father's love. [Chorus]
Source: Kind Words: a new collection of hymns and tunes for sunday schools and the social circle #52