1 To the cross I long was clinging,
As a refuge from despair;
Found relief from guilt of sinning,
While I lingered, clinging there;
Still life’s waves and storms assailed me,
Doubts and fears my mind distrest,
And with all the cross avail’d me,
Clinging gave no perfect rest.
I was clinging, now I’m resting,
Sweetly resting at the cross;
I was clinging; now I’m resting,
Sweetly resting at the cross.
2 To the cross I cling no longer;
Doubts and fears no longer feel,
Faith, and hope, and love are stronger,
Jesus’ blood doth fully heal.
Now my song is not—“I’m clinging,”—
That to me would now be loss,
When mind, heart and soul are singing,
“I am resting at the cross.” [Refrain]
3 My salvation is completed,
Christ, my hope, my life, my light;
Sin, and death, and hell defeated,
Cannot now my soul affright.
Heaven seems in blessed nearness,
And earth’s treasures are as dross,
While,’ mid light of cloudless clearness,
I am resting at the cross. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.1 #31