Jesus is born, sing it loud, every girl and boy.
Jesus is born, sing his praises and shout for joy.
Jesus is born for the high and the low;
Jesus is born, Jesus is born,
let the world know.
1 To preach the good news to the poor and the lowly,
to pardon us sinners, to make us all holy,
to free all the captives from prison he came.
Jesus is born, Jesus is born, O praise his name. [Refrain]
2 He came down to die and to lead us to glory;
he came down to write our redemption story.
From heaven's bright sphere to this dark world he came.
Jesus is born, Jesus is born, O praise his name. [Refrain]
3 To show us the way we should love one another,
to make us aware that each man is our brother,
to show us his great love from bright heaven he came.
Jesus is born, Jesus is born, Jesus is born [Refrain]
Source: CPWI Hymnal #72