1 To my memory comes a vision
That my heart can ne’er forget,
Of my mother, with her tender care for me,
For the face of years forgotten
Still remains, I see it yet,
And her brow reflects the light of Calvary.
And the teardrops, how they glistened!
When she told me of His love,
How the tender Shepherd came to seek the lost,
O’er the mountain, thro’ the valley,
Every footprint stained with blood,
Till He purchased my Redemption on the cross.
2 ‘Twas the voice of my dear mother,
Full of love and sympathy,
That so often cheered my heart when sad and lone,
For I felt the need of Jesus,
And her constant pray’r for me
Led my wandering footsteps to my Father’s home. [Refrain]
3 Though my mother has departed,
Still I feel her spirit near,
As she pleads before the Heav’nly Father’s throne,
And her pray’rs my life shall answer
For I long to meet her there,
And to see the Christ who bought me for His own. [Refrain]
Source: Awakening Songs for the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services #116