1 To His service Jesus calls us,
And with banners all unfurled,
In His Name we will go forward
Till for Him we win the world.
We will fight each battle bravely,
For the right we’ll take our stand,
Ever forward! Forward!
At our King’s command.
Forward, forward!
This shall our watchword be,
Forward, forward!
Forward we march to victory,
Our Captain leads us,
True then to His command,
Forward, forward go, His faithful band.
2 There are foes which we must conquer,
If the battle we would win,
Ev’ry one must join the conflict
‘Gainst the mighty host of sin.
While our mighty Captain leads us,
We can never know defeat,
Ever forward, forward,
Never more retreat. [Refrain]
3 Then go forward valiant soldiers,
Join the ranks and face the foe,
Christ our Captain leads to vict’ry,
You shall conquer as you go.
Never doubt your mighty Leader,
Never falter in the fray,
Ever forward, forward!
You shall win the day. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #16