1 To GOD I rais'd my mournful Voice,
To him in deep Distress I pray'd,
Made him the Umpire of my Cause,
And all my Wrongs before him laid.
2 'Twas thou, that did my Steps direct,
When my afflicted Soul despair'd;
For where I thought to walk secure,
They had their secret Traps prepar'd.
3 I look'd, but found no ready Friend,
To own, or help me in Distress;
All Refuge fail'd, no Man vouchsaf'd
His tender Pity or Redress.
4 To GOD above at last I pray'd,
Thou, LORD, my only Refuge art;
My Portion in the Land of Life
Thou shalt remain, 'till Life depart.
5 Reduc'd at length to greatest Straits,
To thee I made my hunmble Moan;
O! save me from oppressive Foes,
For me too strong and pow'rful grown.
6 That I may praise thy holy Name,
My Soul from her dark Prison bring,
Whilst of thy kind Regard to me,
Assembled Saints shall gladly sing.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #CXLII