I. To God, I rais'd my earnest cries,
To God, who rules the earth and skies;
His sov'reign mercy deign'd to hear
My loud complaints, with pitying ear.
II. The tedious day was spent in grief,
In humble prayer I sought relief;
But day and night the restless smart
Deny'd sweet comfort to my heart.
III. I thought on God with terrors arm'd;
New troubles then my soul alarm'd;
Then over-whelming sorrows rose,
Nor could complaining ease my woes.
IV. Thy terrors, Lord, forbid my rest,
And silent anguish fills my breast;
And now in sad reflection rise
Past days and years before my eyes.
V. My nightly songs I call to mind,
And try some gleam of joy to find;
But search this wretched heart in vain,
For all is darkness, grief and pain.
VI. Will God forever leave his care?
Must I no more his favour share?
Shall long-lost mercy ne'er prevail?
And can his word for ever fail?
VII. Array'd in frowns his angry face,
Has God forgot his wonted grace?
And clos'd the full, the boundless store
Of mercy, ne'er to open more?
VIII. But I rebuke my drooping heart,
Far hence ye guilty fears depart;
Still will I call past comforts o'er,
And trust almighty love and pow'r.
IX. This drooping heart again shall trace
The ancient wonders of thy grace;
The mighty owkrs my God has wrought,
Shall still employ my voice, my thought.
X. Thy way, O God, thy wond'rous way,
While in thy temple I survey,
Struck with astonishment, I cry,
Where is a pow'r so great, so high?
XI. Whoe'er surveys thy works must own
That thou art God, and thou alone;
Thy favours to thy chosen care
The wonders of thy pow'r declare.
XII. Thy potent arm, for ever near,
Controul'd their foes, controul'd their fear;
And Jacob's sons, (distinguish'd race!)
Confess'd thy kind deliv'ring grace.
XIII. The waters with thy presence aw'd,
Beheld, and own'd their maker God;
The ocean shook with all its waves,
And trembled thro' its deepest caves.
XIV. The full clouds pour'd their wat'ry store;
Amid the storm's impetuous roar,
Thy dreadful arrows flew abroad,
And sounding skies proclaim'd the God!
XV. Thy awful voice in thunder broke,
Heav'n listen'd while th'almighty spoke!
While o'er the world keen light'nings spread,
Earth trembled with unusual dread!
XVI. Thy path, O Lord, thy tractless way
Lies in the deep unfathom'd sea;
No mortal thought can ever trace
Thy steps of wisdom, pow'r and grace.
XVII. Thy people found thy guardian care;
Where'er they wander'd, God was there;
'Till guided by thy prophet's hand,
They reach'd secure the promis'd land.
Source: Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, Vol. 2 #184