1 To David’s Son, Hosanna!
We Children joyful sing
Hosanna unto Jesus,
The children’s friend and King!
To David’s Son, Hosanna!
Our older voices blend
Hosanna with the children;
We’ll praise him without end.
2 Hosanna sing to Jesus!
He was himself a child;
He shared our childish sorrows,
So patient, holy, mild!
Hosanna sing to Jesus!
He shared our manhood’s grief;
He knows our cares and conflicts;
Our brother gives relief.
3 Hosanna sing to Jesus!
The children still he takes
Up in his arms and blesses;
He loves and ne’er forsakes.
Hosanna sing to Jesus!
The youthful and the old,
And those who long have wandered
He welcomes to the fold.
4 Hosanna, loud Hosannas;
Ye fathers, mothers, raise
Hosanna unto Jesus,
And swell the children’s praise.
Both now and through the ages,
In earth and highest heaven,
Hosanna, glad Hosanna,
By all to thee be given.
Source: Worship and Song. (Rev. ed.) #105