1 To daily die to self and sin, and daily to receive
New life from Thee, I pray, O Lord, and more like Thee to live.
O saved to serve! by Jesus' blood from sin and self made free,
To praise His name, to do His will, thro'out eternity.
2 To daily die to all things past, by spirit, pray'r and word,
May I increase in faith and deed unto Thy stature, Lord.
O saved to serve! the field is wide; what I can do is small;
With joyful heart and hand, O Lord, I give to Thee my all.
3 Tho' dark the way, tho' long the strife,
I thro' the Spirit's might
Shall strive for Thee, Thy kingdom's weal,
and for eternal right;
Then saved to serve! in heav'n's bright sphere I shall with angels sing.
And saved by grace behold Thy face, my Saviour, Lord, and King.
Source: Hallowed Hymns, New and Old #33
First Line: | To daily die to self and sin, and daily to receive |
Title: | Saved to Serve |
Author: | John D. Morgan |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1901 |
Copyright: | Public Domain |