1 ‘Tis the Savior speaks unto you today,
“Child of mine, follow me;”
Listen to His voice and without delay,
Answer, I will follow Thee.
O hear the voice of Jesus calling now,
“Follow me, follow me,”
And ready be to answer to His call,
My Savior I will follow Thee.
2 Where the Savior leads you may safely go,
All your steps He will guide,
And the path of life He will plainly show,
Walking ever by your side. [Refrain]
3 If your heart is sad and the way seems drear,
Ever keep Christ in sight;
With His word of love He your soul will cheer,
He will make your pathway bright. [Refrain]
4 He will always guard you with tender care,
Till you reach yonder shore;
Robes of spotless whiteness you then shall wear,
Praising Him forevermore. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Herald in Song #21