1 ‘Tis the joy and delight of my life
Here to serve thee my Savior and King;
That when wearied and worn by temptation and strife,
To thy cross I in safety may cling.
Thou art near, Thou art dear,
O beloved Redeemer and Lord,
May thy children with joy
In thy cause find employ,
And thy favor exceeding reward.
2 Oh, the joy that thy strong arm can save
Every lost one who turns back to thee!
For thou camest to triumph o’er hell and the grave,
That the sinner from sin might be free.
Thou art near, Thou art dear,
Blessed Savior, Redeemer and Lord,
May thy children with joy
In thy cause find employ,
And thy favor exceeding reward.
3 Wilt thou now give desire to be free
To the poor hearts in bondage to sin?
Help them come, blessed Savior, with gladness to thee,
And a life in thy service begin
Thou art near, Thou art dear,
O my Savior, Redeemer and Lord,
May thy children with joy
In thy cause find employ,
And thy favor exceeding reward.
Source: Wondrous Love: A Collection of Songs and Services for Sunday Schools #148