1 'Tis my Lord who knows all my griefs and woes,
He, my shield and my refuge, shall be;
Naught can harm me here, while, to Him, I'm near,
For His grace is sufficient for me!
His grace is sufficient for me,
His grace is sufficient for me;
Nought can harm me here, while, to Him, I'm near,
For His grace is sufficient for me!
2 I will trust each hour in His saving power,
And His precepts my counsel shall be;
Songs of praise I'll sing to my Lord and King,
For His grace is sufficient for me! [Refrain]
3 He's a faithful Friend, even to the end,
Yea, and like Him no other can be;
He's my hope, my all, on His name I call,
For His grace is sufficient for me! [Refrain]
4 When I'm bowed with care then I go in prayer,
Unto Him, for He heareth my plea,
Giving comfort sweet, all my needs to meet,
Yes, His grace is sufficient for me! [Refrain]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #86