1 Time now is closing; Jesus will come:
Signs are fulfilling, earth's pillars groan:
Hark! hear the trumpet calls "come home;"
See earth reeling to her final doom.
2 See slumbering millions rise from the earth;
Christ calls his people from south, from north:
"Come home, my people, time is no more;
You've washed your robes white, your conflicts now are o'er."
3 Hastening to see thee, my soul would rise
To meet my Saviour in yonder skies;
With all the faithful who've lived before,
There I shall hail thee on that peaceful shore.
4 O, there'll be glory, joy, peace, and love;
Nothing to harm us in heaven above:
O, let us be faithful, and we'll be blest,
When Jesus calls us to eternal rest.
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #1174