1 Thy saints all stand in glory
Before thy throne, O God,
And sing unto their Savior,
Who bo’t them with his blood,
And there in heaven’s glory
From sin and sorrow free,
They reign with God, their Father,
To all eternity.
There is joy among the ransomed over there,
There is joy over there,
There is joy among the ransom’d over there,
There is joy forever over there.
2 All clothed in robes of whiteness,
They worship and adore,
And fall before their Savior,
And praise him evermore;
There lifting up their voices
With one accord, they raise
Unto the Lamb that liveth,
An everlasting praise. [Refrain]
3 Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Who bled and died for me,
Who before my sins and sorrows
On the accursed tree;
I, too, shall stand in glory,
And sing of thy great love;
And at thy feet adore them
With all thy saints above. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.2 #227