1 Thy praise, O God, in Zion waits;
All flesh shall crowd Thy sacred gates,
To offer sacrifice and prayer,
And pay their willing homage there.
2 What tho’ iniquity prevail,
And feeble flesh be prone to fail;
Yet, Lord, Thy grace Thou wilt display,
And purge each hateful stain away.
3 Blest is the man approved by Thee,
And brought Thy holy courts to see!
Goodness, immense and unconfined,
Shall largely feast his longing mind.
4 Great God, by Thy almighty hand,
The everlasting mountains stand:
And every storm, and every flood,
Obey Thy all commanding nod.
5 Thy lightnings flashing thro’ the skies,
The wide earth fill with sad surprise;
But cheered by Thy enlivening voice,
Rising and setting suns rejoice.
6 From Thy vast, unexhausted stores,
The earth is blest with kindly showers;
And savage wilds and deserts drear,
Confess Thee, Father of the year.
7 The flocks which graze the mountain’s brow,
The corn which clothes the plains below,
To every heart new transports bring,
And hills and vales rejoice and sing.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12729