1 Thy Mercy, LORD, to me extend,
Against my Foes my Life defend;
Base Men perpetual Strive renewing,
With daily Wrongs are me pursuing:
Continually my spiteful Foes,
To ruin me, with Joy combine;
Thou seest, who sit'st enthron'd on high,
What mighty Hosts against me join.
2 But though sometimes surpriz'd with Fear,
When first I think the Danger near;
Yet have I still on thee depended,
That my just Cause should be defended:
GOD's faithful Promise I shall praise,
On which I stedfastly rely;
In GOD I trust, and trusting him,
The strongest Arm of Flesh defy.
3 My Words they purposely mistake,
And by perverting, make them speak
A Meaning which I ne'er designed;
Thus are their Thoughts to Ill inclined.
In close Assemblies they combine,
And then most wicked Projects lay;
They watch my Steps, and lie in wait
To make my harmless Soul their Prey.
4 LORD, wilt thou not such Wrongs regard,
Shall they not meet their just Reward!
As they have treach'rous Things devised,
So let them be by thee castised.
Thou numb'rset all my wand'ring Steps,
Since I was first compell'd to flee,
My very Tears are treasur'd up,
O GOD! and registr'd by thee.
5 My Foes shall be therefore be o'erthrown;
For GOD my righteous Cause will own;
And since to him my Pray'rs directed,
I know that I shall be protected.
I'll trust GOD's Word, and so despise,
Whatever Force Mankind can raise:
To thee, O GOD! my Vows are due,
To thee alone I'll render Praise.
6 Thou, LORD, shalt and make my Footsteps sure,
Thou, LORD, shalt make my Life secure;
My Soul from Death thou hast retrieved,
And from surrounding Foes relieved,
That thus protected by thy Pow'r,
I may this Light in Peace enjoy,
And in the Service of my GOD,
My lengthen'd Days secure employ.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #LVI