1 Thy mansion is the Christian’s heart;
let all but thoughts of thee depart!
A Lord, thy dwelling place prepare;
what peace shall reign when thou art there!
2 Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw;
prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw,
gives exercise to faith and love,
bring ev'ry blessing from above.
3 Restaining prayer, we cease to fight;
prayer keeps the Christian's armor bright;
and Satan trembles when he sees
the weakest saint upon his knees.
4 When Moses stood with arms spread wide,
success was found on Israel's side;
but when through weariness they failed,
that moment Amalek prevailed.
5 O Lord, increase our faith and love,
that we may all thy goodness prove,
and gain from thy exhaustless store
the fruits of prayer forevermore.
Source: Rejoice in the Lord #505