1 Thy seal, O Lord, the holy sign
That we, hereafter, should be Thine,
Was placed upon our infant brow,
And shall we fear to own it now?
2 O God, forbid; before the vain,
The proud, the scoffing, the profane,
We will, through grace, our Lord confess,
His faint but faithful witnesses.
3 His strength in weakness He displays,
From youthful lips He perfects praise,
And we, His faithful soldiers, stand
Strong in the might of His right hand.
4 Smile on us, Lord, and we will fear
Nor scorn, nor shame, whilst Thou art near;
Reproach is glory, suffering rest,
If borne for Thee, if by Thee blest.
5 Great Judge of all, in that dread day,
When heaven and earth shall flee away,
Before the universe confess
Thy faint but faithful witnesses.
Source: Voices of Praise: for school and church and home #110
First Line: | Thy cross, O Lord, the holy sign |
Title: | Thy Seal, O Lord, the Holy Sign |
Author: | Hugh Stowell |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |