1 Thy conflicts, Christ, in agony,
When strengthen'd by a kind support,
Shews how our pond'rous load did lie
With anguish on thy very heart.
2 Trembling beneath our curse and woe,
With groans in most excessive pain,
Thy bloody sweat, like rivers flow,
Collected from descending rain.
3 Now see him destin'd to the cross,
With dreadful horrour sore oppress'd,
There sin sustain'd its endless loss,
And all transgression there hath ceas'd.
4 High as an ensign there he hangs
In blood, by Heav'n and earth forsook;
All nature groan'd in dreadful pangs,
And earth's foundations rudely shook.
5 His life expiring with a groan,
His soul starts from his body torn;
The bride came to her native home,
From all his wonds renew'd and born.
6 'Tis finish'd! loud the cho sounds,
Our ransom price is fully paid;
The Father's pleas'd to see those wounds,
Where sin is slain, and vengeance staid.
7 His lifeless body drain'd of blood,
Then was fulfil'd the faithful word,
Spoken by old by men of God;
How nature spoil'd should be restor'd;
8 'T'was done when radinat he arose
Triumphant over death and hell;
Then in him rose the darling spouse,
With him in all his bliss to dwell.
9 God's royal clothing naw are we,
And he hath mark'd us with his name,
Together with the Son made free,
Forever perfect without blame;
10 One life, one joy, with him we have;
Whilst in this world's bewilder'd maze,
We nothing more desire or crave,
Incessantly we Jesus praise!
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CXLII