1 Thy Church, O God, shall rest secure,
Upon the Rock of Ages grounded;
In vain the tempter's power may rage,
Beyond its utmost reach 'tis founded.
O praise the Rock, the everlasting Rock,
The Rock that is firm, tho' sin in fury rages;
Stand on the Rock, secure from ev'ry shock,
For the Lord is the Rock of Ages.
2 Upon this wondrous Rock we rest
Our souls' eternal, full salvation,
Nor fear what mortal men may do,
Or Satan's dark and dire temptation. [Chorus]
3 This glorious Rock is Christ, the Lord,
The saints' most blessed habitation;
Awake, O earth! with glad accord,
To know the joys of his salvation. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Seraph: in seven character notes, for churches and Sunday-schools #92b