1 Thy blessing is upon us,
O Lord of hosts most high,
We read it in the beauty
Of land and sea and sky;
We hear it in the music,
That Summer’s voices sing,
They tell the wondrous glory
Of our eternal King.
Before Thy throne in praise we bow,
Thy holy Name we sing,
Thy blessing rests upon us now,
Our Lord, our Maker and our King.
2 Thy blessing is upon us,
As in Thy house we meet,
Thy Name to sing with praises,
Thy gospel to repeat;
At this most blessed season,
By youthful voices sung,
Thy Name, with glad rejoicing,
Is heard from ev’ry tongue. [Refrain]
3 Thy blessing is upon us,
We feel Thy presence here,
The summer’s grateful tribute,
Proclaims Thee ever near;
Thy hand alone can give us,
The beauty and the light,
That fills the children’s service
With June-time’s glory bright. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #247