1 Throughout the Saviour's Life we trace,
Nothing but Shame and deep Distress,
No period else is seen;
till he a spotless victim fell,
Tasting in soul a painful Hell,
Caus'd by the Creature's Sin.
2 On the cold Ground methinks I see
My Jesus kneel, and pray for me;
For this I him adore;
Siez'd with a chilly sweat throughout,
Blood-drops did force their Passage out
Through ev'ry open'd Pore.
3 A pricking Thorn his Temples bore;
His Back with lashes all was tore,
Till one the Bones might see;
Mocking, thy push'd him here and there,
Marking his Way with Blood and tear,
Press'd by the heavy Tree.
4 Thus up the Hill he painful came,
round him they mock, and make their Game,
At length his Cross they rear;
and can you see the mighty God,
Cry out beneath sin's heavy Load,
Without one thankful Tear?
5 Thus vailed in Humanity,
He dies in Anguish on the Tree;
What Tongue his Griefs can tell?
The shudd'ring Rocks their Heads recline,
the mourning Sun refuse to shine,
When the Creator fell.
6 Shout, Brethren, shout in songs divine,
He drank the Gall, to give us Wine,
To quench our parching Thirst;
Seraphs advance your voices higher;
Bride of the Lamb, unite the Choir,
And Laud thy precious Christ.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: intended for the edification of sincere Christians of all denominations #LXXVII
First Line: | Throughout the Savior's life we trace |
Author: | Samson Occum |
Copyright: | Public Domain |