1 Thro’ the gate of the city they led Him still
Bearing His cross;
Till He came to the summit of Calv’ry’s hill,
Bearing His cross;
As a sheep by the shearers is meekly led,
He endured it for us, and no word He said,
Bearing His cross.
O wonder of wonders, can it be
All for me, all for me?
O wonder of wonders, can it be
All for me?
2 Tho’ he knew what it meant, yet He turned not back,
Bearing His cross;
And He patiently trod all the weary track,
Bearing His cross;
Though the tree was so heavy, ‘twould not compare
With the burden of sin which He carried there,
Bearing His cross. [Refrain]
3 They had never been able to lead Him thus,
Bearing His cross;
If He had not been willing to die for us,
Bearing His cross;
For He laid down the life which He took again,
And the joy set before Him surpassed the pain—
Bearing His cross. [Refrain]
4 All the burdens are gone which He took that day,
Bearing His cross;
Nevermore will He travel that blood stain’d way,
Bearing His cross;
When we see Him in glory enthroned on high,
How we’ll thank Him that thus He went forth to die,
Bearing His cross. [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Gospel Songs #79
First Line: | Through the gate of the city they led Him still |
Title: | Bearing His Cross |
Author: | Ada R. Habershon |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | O wonder of wonders, can it be |
Copyright: | Public Domain |