1 Thru all the temple ringing,
Voices in sweet accord,—
Children so loud are singing
Praises to Christ the Lord.
O’er all the tumult rising,
O’er all the wondering throng,
Children, in songs exultant,
Pour forth their wondrous song.
Sing, sing your lofty praises,
Shout, shout your glad hosanna!
This is the Lord’s Appointed,
Jesus, the Son of David;
Give, O ye people, room!
Praise ye the Lord’s Anointed,
Hail ye the great Messiah,
Make straight the pathway;
Sing! For thy King has come!
Sing, for thy King has come!
2 Now is thine hour of favor,
Now is thy triumph great;
Zion, behold! Thy Saviour
Cometh in humble state;
Rulers in pride disown Him,
Spurning the lowly One,
Children with joy enthrone Him,
Jesus, the royal Son. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #88